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The bad news on coronavirus. Worry over the coronavirus took a new turn thursday after several sports leagues entertainment events and businesses announced they would close their doors as the outbreak spreads.
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We all know that we are supposed to stay home while social distancing due to covid 19 right. Funny coronavirus memes to get you through the stress it seems like all i ve been reading and writing about lately is the coronavirus and it can be overwhelming. Early numbers say that covid 19 is more deadly than and possibly easier to transmit than the flu. We here at itm understand what a frightening time it is out there right now with the coronavirus pandemic in full. Notable shutdowns include disneyland disney world and the nba.School s cancelled sports are cancelled shoot even disney world is cancelled. However as an immune compromised person who likes reading about epidemiology i wanted to provide a level headed look at the coronavirus as it pertains to traveling to walt disney world. We agree that it s a bit difficult but no matter how hard we will stay away we can social distance. Amazing disney coronavirus memes to help you chuckle in the darkest times look. With so much talk about the coronavirus i decided to make a vlog shedding a different perspective and some updates in hollywood.
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